City Pop: Japan's Sonic Time Capsule of Urban Euphoria
City Pop, a genre born in the neon-lit streets of Japan during the late 1970s and early 1980s, carries the essence of an era brimming with hope, dreams, and urban vibrancy. This musical time capsule encapsulates the spirit of Japan's urban landscape, blending catchy melodies, smooth vocals, and a touch of nostalgic charm. In this article, we embark on a journey to unravel the captivating allure of City Pop, exploring its origins, key characteristics, influential artists, and lasting impact on music and culture. The Roots of City Pop City Pop emerged against Japan's economic boom, characterized by rapid urbanization and cultural transformation. It drew inspiration from various influences, including Western pop, funk, disco, and jazz, while infusing it with a distinctly Japanese sensibility. The result was a sound that reflected the aspirations and desires of a nation on the rise. Defining the City Pop Sound At its core, City Pop is defined by its polished production, lush arran...